Sgt. Rich Mills carries Cabela to safety
While animal abuse happens all around us, it’s heartbreaking to see it in our own backyards. The story of Cabela is one of those.
Tampa Police Officers responded to a call on March 4th from a citizen who heard shots and the distressed cries of a dog nearby. Officers found the dog had been shot twice and tied to the railroad tracks with a belt, and an oncoming train had to be stopped in order to free her from a horrible fate.
After rescuing the two-year-old mixed breed female, officers immediately took her to theTampa Bay Veterinary Emergency Centerwhere Dr. Jamie Davidson and staff immediately began treating her critical injuries. At first, doctors thought she would need to have her right foreleg amputated, but “Cabela” found a savior in Dr. Colby Burns, an orthopedic specialist who was able to save her leg. She is now in recovery and doing very well. TBVEC staff reports that Cabela seems to be very happy and in good spirits after her ordeal, and is very sweet. Once she’s healthy, she will be spayed, vaccinated and prepared for adoption, where she will be paired with a “good family”.
Steven Pahl, co-owner of Tampa Bay Veterinary Emergency Service, has received calls from all over the world. Tampa detectives are looking for the animal abusers and rewards have been posted for their identification and arrest.
If you would like to make a donation to Cabela’s care, please click here, choose Tampa Bay Veterinary Emergency Service (Tampa) and 100% of your tax deductible donation will go to the Tampa Bay Veterinary Emergency Center’s Pet Care Fund, where a grant will be issued to cover her expenses. If you would prefer to mail a check, please make your check payable to the Veterinary Care Foundation, put TBVES on the memo line and mail to Vet Care Foundation, 16550 NW 46th St., Morriston, FL 32668.