Read the stories. See the lives saved.
Penny’s Story

Penny’s Story

Southeast Veterinary Neurology to the rescue! We love to share our stories of recovery, our VCF members are saving lives from coast to coast. Read Penny’s story…

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Cat survives fire in West Virginia

Cat survives fire in West Virginia

Three days after a fire destroyed an apartment building in Huntington, WV, one of its four-legged residents was found with significant lung damage and badly burned paws. "Ember", the miracle cat, is being cared for by Guardian Animal Medical Center in Flatwoods and is...

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Saving Grace and Moses

Saving Grace and Moses

When Grace and her family learned their beloved cat's life, Moses, was in jeopardy, they were heartbroken that their family finances were not enough to save him. But thanks to Foothill Animal Hospital's Vet Care Foundation membership and fund, they were able to get...

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Charlie takes on a tractor

Charlie takes on a tractor

A labrador retriever named Charlie in Indianapolis defied all odds when he survived a spill from a tractor and nearly died. Charlie loves riding on the tractor with his owner Jessica Parson on her family's farm, but she suffered a fractured spine and a lacerated...

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Tampa Bay Veterinary Emergency Center to the rescue

Tampa Bay Veterinary Emergency Center to the rescue

While animal abuse happens all around us, it's heartbreaking to see it in our own backyards. The story of Cabela is one of those. Tampa Police Officers responded to a call on March 4th from a citizen who heard shots and the distressed cries of a dog nearby. Officers...

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